LWasabi was not normally considered as a go to for content creators, until now. Unlock the hidden power of your Wasabi storage with CLICK.
When you pair Wasabi with CLICK, you can suddenly start streaming video without needing to download, caching to any external hard drive, SAN or NAS, and taking all limitations off your workflow.
Keep your Wasabi buckets and storage exactly the way you have them, and connect your keys into CLICK.
Once you do you can mount easily to any Mac or Windows desktop, then sync, transfer, migrate, and share your data anywhere you want.
LucidLink offers fixed, expensive pricing, with no APIs, and extremely limited workflow functionality. You can pay up to $80/TB mostly just to stream video without having to download it.
When you combine Wasabi with Click, you get the same performance with even more functionality for less than $20/TB. Stop overpaying for cloud storage and start using CLICK.
Any cloud storage becomes more powerful and sharable across projects and teams.
4 Powerful Classes of Storage
for every requirement:
Block, Object, Backup, Archive
Access for anyone, anywhere from any storage on Click.
For more information about Amove Click, go here